
A marine Plastics Renewal® partnership.

First-of-its-kind collaboration to divert ocean plastic.

Tackling an ocean-sized plastic waste problem.

Addressing a large problem starts with the smallest task.

At Brightmark, through our mission to Reimagine Waste, we look for every opportunity to make our mark on the globe’s plastics problem. When we join with other companies that share our vision, the results are truly something to behold.

We found a kindred plastics recycling spirit in the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary. They have plastic buoys and downline waste they don’t want to landfill. We have a solution.

The result? A step in the right direction.

Brightmark | NOAA's Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary


“Partnering with Brightmark, now we can go home at night and go to sleep knowing not only are we doing a great thing for the reef. But also, we’re not contributing to the overflowing landfills and contributing to plastic in the ocean.”


– Patrick Vandenabeele // Marine Operations Specialist // NOAA

Partnership benefits

Buoying hopes for cleaner oceans.

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Brightmark and the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary are teaming up to effectively and sustainably decrease marine plastic pollution in the Florida Keys.
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This first-of-its-kind Plastics Renewal® program will recycle buoys and downlines found in the sanctuary’s upper and lower Keys that usually end up in landfills.
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By taking hard-to-recycle marine waste and diverting it away from landfills, Brightmark and FKNMS will turn it into new plastics products and keep the waters clean.

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Four underwater images of divers, buoys, and ropes

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